Friday 22 April 2016

Black Magic in India

‘Kala Jadu’, a very popular word in India. A kind of magic, which is called black, though it hasn’t any connection with the black colour. Actually the word ‘black’ is used as the symbole of darkness, the symbole of negetivity. It’s impacts all around the world but, it is usually practised in India.
        We know it is unbealiveable that, this type of things really exist in this century. But it’s also true that, there is always something negetive besides positivity. Sometimes, we can’t see them, sometime we can’t feel them, but still there is something strange on this earth. There are a lot of cases, where we have witnessed some paranormal activities took place. Researchers defined them by their different different point of views. But still no-one could find the proper solution and day by day the cases are increasing.
        According to philosophical informations, it’s a kind of magic which can help the evil energies around us to create the paranrmal desasaters. And the chapter of black magic is still running even, in this generation, devil typed peoples  used this method to fulfill their desires. But it's not only thematter of this era, the chapter was began from the ancient periods,’the periods of epics’. Yes, still from the Era of ‘Ramayana’ and ‘Mahabharata’ the negetive powers played their roles supernaturaly in human’s life. And t's really a matter of concern that our india, even in this mordern era of science, still facing this type of paranormal incidents. Each and every year, their are a lot of incidents happened in our country, some of them has been virled and some of them still unknown for us.
       Specially in village sided areas, it's often normal to happen  this kind of incidents but the problem is fear. Not for only paranormal deaseses, but the fear of of this news also. Some of the villagers think that the spreading of this news can create a new danger in their life so, they try to block the news on the spot. But the terrefic ones also become virled. And the very abnormal fact is that,  the uneducated  people who don't know anything about education had knowledge about this black science. So, we have to protest this type of things in our socieity, before begging the help from government. Here, the security or  rules can't help us, positivity is the only path of success. We have to create the positive sense in us, in our society, in our mind and the change is only possible via education. So, we have to creat a healthy environment in our country and all over the world. Be safe, be pure, be a healthy minded.

-Indranil Nandi

देश नष्ट करने वाले ही,देश भक्त बने

देश नष्ट करने  वाले ही,देश भक्त बने

"  तेरा  मेरा  इसका  उसका ये सबका वतन है , बचालो इसे "
भगत सिंह ने शोषण , गरीबी ,साम्राज्यवाद ,पूंजीवाद आदि के खिलाफ युद्ध छेड़ा था। आज उनके सब मुद्दे गायब हैं।  लोगों ,सरकारों और पार्टियों के  द्वारा जो भी कुछ किया जा रहा है,वो सब अपनी मरज़ी से और बसलोगों को मूर्ख बनाने के लिये किया जा रहा है |
       आज देश में एक अलग तरह का मुद्दा चल रहा है, की जो भारत माता की जय नहीं बोलेगा वो भारत का दुश्मन है या वो पाकिस्तानी है ?  ये क्या बात हुई, देखा जाये तो  विवाद उत्पन्न करने वाले लोग तो विवादउत्पन्न करके चले जायेंगे परन्तु  हम युवा विद्यार्थियों को इन शब्दों से नफरत करने की  सीख   स्थायी रूप से मिल  जाएगी   सहिष्णुता  -असहिषुणता  के बाद इस  मुद्दे को अब सर्वाधिक चर्चा मिली है और ये बहसजैसे ख़त्म होने का  नाम ही नहीं ले रही है।  इस बात पर दारुल उलूम का भी यह कहना है कि वो भारतीयता के हिमायती हैं, लेकिन वो जिस तरह से वन्दे मातरम नहीं बोल सकते इस तरह भारत माता की जय भी नहींबोल सकते  भारत माता की जय  किसी पर थोपा नहीं जाना चाहिए , ऐसे  हालात पैदा होने चाहिए,की  स्वयं अपने दिल से ये आवाज़ निकले।

पहले इस बात पर ध्यान देना चाहिए कि तमाम जातियों में बटा हुआ  देश किस तरह एकजुट हो।
हमें ये नहीं भूलना चाहिए की हमारा देश कुछ महान शहीदों के बलिदान से बना है

आज जब कुछ लोग अपने मुद्दे उठा रहे हैं तो उन्हें नज़रन्दाज करके सरकार अपने फर्ज से दूर भाग रही है ,एक तरफ नेशनल हाईवे बन रहे हैं ,उसी के ठीक विपरीत गरीबी में पनपते लोगों के  इलाकें हैं, उस पर कोईध्यान नहीं दिया जा रहा है  |
ऑक्सफ़ोर्ड की  रिपोर्ट की तहत देखा जाये तो भारत में ३६ करोड़ लोग कंगाल हैं , उसकी कोई बात नहीं होती , और कुछ नहीं तो जल , जंगल जिस पर हम निर्भर हैं , इनको बचाना कर्तव्य को निभाना  हमारा राष्ट्रवाद है, पर आज देखा जाएं तो परिस्थिति इसके विपरीत हैं  जो लोग देश को नष्ट   कर रहें हैं वही देशभक्त बनने की कोशिश कर रहें हैं |
इसी के साथ अगर जेन्यू या बस्तर में हुई घटना को ले लो  तो ये कोई बहुत बड़ा  विषय बनाने लायक बात नहीं थी,
     इसका समाधान आराम से भी किया जा सकता था , पर ऐसा नहीं हुआ और ये सब आने वाले हम युवाओं के लिए  प्रश्न बन गया | हरियाणा  में  जो हुआ वो भी गलत हुआ आखिर अंत में पूरा हरियाणा जलाकर केजातीय बैरियर खड़ा कर दिया गया | राजनीती ही सबकुछ अस्त -व्यस्त कर रही है | देश भक्त ही देश बर्बाद करेगा , तो वो दिन दूर नहीं जब १९४७ से पहले दिन वापस आजायेंगे |

" मर जाओ , मिट जाओ , पर वतन के लिए कुछ कर जाओ |

                                                                                                                                                     शुभ्रांगी गोयल